Traveling During a Pandemic


Traveling During a Pandemic 

There are many hard things about this virus.  And many of them are way more serious than today’s blog topic to be clear.  But one, not so serious, but still unfortunate outcome from COVID is no traveling.  And traveling is one of my most favorite things in the world to do.  I would live on ramen noodles if I needed to to be able to hop on a plane and fly somewhere.  

Every year I take a ski trip, something I also love doing.  This year I had set aside skiing because Erik and I were supposed to go to Paris in April and then of course our honeymoon we had planned for in late July and August.  So besides missing my annual ski trip I also had to cancel the other two big trips I had planned for this year.  And we have all had to cancel fun vacations this year.  

What it’s like to fly right now…

This got me thinking about ways we can still travel.  Although getting on a plane and flying to another country may not work there are still fun things, we can do here in the states.  Now I have flown twice since the pandemic began and I have to say neither time was scary.  It is a bit annoying to have to wear a facemask but it is the price to pay to fly right now.  And we are pretty much wearing them everywhere else we go anyways.  The airlines also allow you to use a scarf which I find way more comfortable than a facemask.  And obviously if you eat on board you are allowed to take it off for that.  Next to the facemask requirement the only real difference I have noticed when flying is that flight attendants are not serving food or beverages in coach or first class.  They give you bottled water when you board the plane and that is it but of course you are able to bring your own food and some places in airports are open to buy food.  

Some suggestions for summer travel…

But if you still do not feel safe enough to fly then your car is always an option.  This could even be the summer of road trips!  

Search out new spots in your state that maybe you have never seen or a spot in the country you have always wanted to visit and make it happen!

Since it is almost summer, find great spots that have beautiful outdoors where you can take advantage of nature and plenty of open space.  Beaches, mountains, lakes and so on are all wonderful and allow for social distancing.  

Maybe staying clear of cities right now is the best bet.  And there are many states who were hardly affected at all from this pandemic that make for the most incredible summer vacation spots.  
If you aren’t feeling comfortable in a hotel think about staying in an Airbnb where you are able to grocery shop and make your own food.  You can ask when the last time someone stayed there and how well it was cleaned to make sure it is a safe place to go.  Bring your Clorox wipes with you and you can wipe down surfaces to make you feel more at ease.  And things like towels and sheets will have been newly laundered before your arrival.  Just think to wipe down things like light switches, doorknobs, and the tv remote.  These are things I always wipe down when I travel anyway because I think they are the places that are missed by cleaning people however they are the most touched spots in a room.  

I just don’t want you to fear traveling.  Although we should be smart and make wise choices about where to travel there are still many places you can visit.  Don’t let this virus chain you to your home and not allow you to have some new adventures this summer.  






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