Festive and Chic

What is the line between trying to stay fashionable but also allowing yourself to bring in the holiday feels?  Whether it’s 4th of July, Christmas, or Halloween, like it is today, there are ways to be festive AND chic…..yes it can be done!

The way that I like to create a specific holiday look is by putting an outfit together that I would normally wear and then substituting a piece to make it geared towards what the holiday is.  Since I am so visual it will be easier to explain what I am saying by looking at a couple recent posts:



For 4th of July I took a pair of shorts I would normally wear and a fun pair of sneakers and then used a t-shirt that fit the 4th of July.



Last Christmas I used an adorable sweater that fits “me” and paired it with a jean, bootie (although you can’t see it) and a fantastic holiday earring to add a great accessory.




And for today (Halloween) I took a super fun pair of denim shorts (I am in Texas for Halloween again this year and it is warmer here) but I could have also worn a pair of jeans with embellishments for cooler temps and then took another festive sweatshirt to pair with them. I would normally wear these shorts with a sneaker or a combat boot or something fun but casual so that is what I paired with this look.

So, the rule is to create an outfit that you would normally wear and then just add 1 or 2 pieces that make the look fit for the current holiday.  And if buying a Christmas sweater or Halloween sweatshirt isn’t your thing then just focus on the colors and create your look that way. I could have just as easily worn my denim shorts with an orange knit sweater or a red or gold dress or knit or whatever you would like to give yourself a Christmas look.  There are ways to achieve this without being cheesy!

Just whatever you do make it something you feel good and comfortable with that will create a perfect festive and chic look!



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